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Bulletin Board
Department of Occupational Hygiene and Health Service

Offering laborers and workers free psychological counseling services (workplace stress-related)

We are here to listen
Are you feeling frustrated and depressed at work and have no one to talk to?
If your work has taken a toll on your metal health, let professional counseling psychologists assist you to overcome your psychological barriers! For free psychological counseling or related questions, please feel free to call the following numbers.

Contact information:
Northern Labor Health Service Office: (02)2299-0501
Central Labor Health Service Office: (04)2350-1501
Southern Labor Health Service Office: (06)213-5101
Eastern Labor Health Service Office: (03)856-5501
Toll-free number: 0800-068-580 Free psychological counseling services
Offering laborers and workers free psychological counseling services

Offering laborers and workers free psychological counseling services

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