The labor health service e-tools furnished by the Center are developed by the relevant professional organizations commissioned by the central competent authority to assist employers in implementing the Occupational Safety and Health Act for the protection of the physical and mental health of workers. They are protected by the Copyright Act, and the central competent authority owns the copyrights.
For the purpose of developing these tools, the central competent authority agrees to grant a free, non-exclusive license to business entities, workers, or relevant occupational safety and health organizations to download the tools to promote and apply them to workplace labor health services, management, and safety and health education & training in order to enhance the effectiveness of labor health services in Taiwan. However, these tools may not be sold for profit; violators will be referred to the judicial authorities for criminal prosecution.
Labor health services
KIM Key Indicator Methods Foundation Course: Master the Basics of Human Factor Hazard Assessment!
Labor health services
Your Workplace Health Ally: Unlocking the New KIM Tool
Labor health services
Workplace Health Master: Uncover Hidden Risks Together!
Labor health services
KIM (Key Indicator Method) online checking system -new version
Labor health services
weCare, a workplace health Services management system -November 2023 new version
Labor health services
Ergonomic hazard risk assessment tools - KIM (Key Indicator Method) online checking system v2.1
Labor health services
Interactive e-tool for construction industry